Dear Uncle Tony – Season 01 – Episode 07


Greetings! We took a break for the holidays, but now we’re back for 2017 with Episode 7 of Season 1! Maybe you should give it a listen on your way to Philadelphia for GC, eh?

Featured this episodes:

  • Sis. Shelley Fullwood: PBR Sonnet
  • Bro. Hayes Cooper: After Prom
  • Bro. John Matthews: Joni Mitchell & Janis Joplin Stories
  • Bro. Owen Fitzgerald (AKA Jokes & Jokes & Jokes): Shop Erotique
  • Bro. Michael Williams: Do You Know Who This Person Is? (I Don’t Do Boxes, volume III)

See y’all next month!


Michael (& Kait & KJ)


The DUT Crew

Dear Uncle Tony
Dear Uncle Tony
Dear Uncle Tony – Season 01 – Episode 07